Client Research Information |
The following questions deal with experience in previous clinical trials, patient populations, subject recruitment, regulatory review timelines and contracts & budgets |
A.1 Neurology / Huntington's Disease |
A.1.1 - Do you have affiliated research sites or satellite sites/clinics? |
A.1.2 - Does the site have experience in recruiting HD patients or premanifest HD subjects for clinical trials? |
A.1.3 - In the past year, how many HD patient clinic visits have occurred at the site? |
A.1.4 - How many HD patients and/or premanifest HD do you see on a regular basis for medical management? |
A.1.5 - How many HD subjects do you currently have enrolled in a clinical trial? |
A.1.6 - Approximately how many premanifest HD patients do you have access to through your practice? |
A.1.7 - Please describe the referral network for your HD patient population (e.g., referring neurologists, HDSA, genetic counseling center). |
A.1.8 - Describe the geographic catchment area that your site primarily serves. |
A.1.9 - Does the site have any additional means of recruiting HD subjects or premanifest subjects for clinical trials (i.e. patient database, affiliated hospitals, etc.)? |
Please describe. |
A.1.10 - For your HD clinical trials, what is the average number of manifest patients your site has recruited (a) / can recruit (b) per month? |
A.1.11 - For your HD clinical trials, what is the average number of premanifest patients your site has recruited (a) / can recruit (b) per month? |
A.1.12 - In the last two (2) completed HD clinical trials/studies the site participated in, how many patients/subjects did the site recruit? |
A.1.13 - In the last two (2) completed HD clinical trials/studies the site participated in, what was the site's recruitment commitment going into the study? |
A.1.14 - Does the site have success and experience recruiting age and gender matched healthy volunteers for clinical studies? |
A.1.15 - Does your site have access to a clinical trials research center/facility (e.g. a GCRC or CRC) that can be used for HD clinical studies? |
A.1.16 - Do you have access to inpatient facilities for research participants? |
A.1.17 - Where are your HD studies conducted? |
Please specify. |
A.2 Compliance |
A.2.1 - Has the site been audited by Sponsor companies? |
Provide year and any findings that required corrective action. |
A.2.2 - Has the site been audited by the FDA or any other Regulatory Health Authorities? |
Provide name of agency/competent authority, year and any findings that required corrective action. |
Was a 483 issued to your center by the FDA? |
Please provide a copy of the document. |
Your site's written response. |
A.3 Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Independent Ethics Committee (EC) |
A.3.1 - Institutional Board (IRB) or Independent Ethics Committee (EC) Name |
A.3.2 - How often does your IRB/EC meet per month? |
A.3.3 - How many days in advance does documentation need to be submitted to IRB/EC prior to their review meeting? |
A.3.4 - Is your IRB/EC subject to delays/backlogs? |
How long is the current wait for IRB review? |
A.3.5 - Will your IRB/EC perform a provisional review of a final approved protocol before it is submitted to Regulatory Agency? |
A.3.6 - Can your site use a Central IRB/EC (US Only)? |
Please list. |
A.3.7 - In addition to the IRB/EC are there additional review bodies within the institution (e.g. radiation safety committee, research review, local health authorities) which require review/approval? |
Please list and state under what conditions a review would be required. |
A.3.8 - On average, how long does it take for your IRB/EC to approve a protocol and begin the study? (from first submission of documents to receipt of IRB/EC approval letter) |
A.4 Finance / Legal |
A.4.1 - Budget Contact |
A.4.2 - Contracts/Legal Contact |
A.4.3 - Please confirm that your institution is willing to negotiate a "standard" clinical trial agreement? |
A.4.4 - On average, for your institution how long does it take from receipt of a final clinical study protocol to a fully executed contract and IRB/EC review and approval? |
A.4.5 - Can IRB and contract/budgets be submitted and reviewed in parallel? |
Please explain. |
A.4.6 - Realistically, what is the fastest start-up time one can expect at your site, from final protocol to first-patient-in (FPI)? |
A.4.7 - Are there additional issues at your Center relating to electronic medical records, special compliance needs for monitoring, privacy rules that may affect access to data, monitoring time, etc.? |
Please describe access requirements for patient medical records (including electronic records), whether there are any special compliance needs for monitoring and how these are handled. |
A.5 Miscellaneous |
A.5.1 - List the major genetic testing sites that are used by subjects/families who are seen at your institution. |
A.5.2 - What makes you an attractive site for HD clinical trials? |